Great selection of IV Hydration Drips2024-03-08T04:46:54+00:00

Explore Our IV Drips

We provide multiple IV drips and shots, fully customizable to your wellness journey.

Myers Cocktail



This drip is named after Dr. John Myers, renowned for administering vitamin and mineral infusions to address a wide range of health issues. This premix, containing vital multivitamins and various nutrients, is formulated to provide relief from persistent symptoms such as chronic pain, asthma, and more.

Immunity Drip



Crafted with the aim of boosting your immune system, preventing illnesses, and accelerating recovery when you’re unwell, this iv drip contains top-notch compounds. These treatments are intended to enhance immunity and support overall well-being effectively.

Alleviate Drip



Compounded to help relieve symptoms of PMS, this IV drip includes premium-quality compounds which may reduce bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and lower back pain. If you are in Austin or nearby areas, give us a call or book appointment online to feel better today!

 NAD+ Drip

500mg: $399
750mg : $499


NAD is a powerhouse coenzyme that fuels your body at the cellular level. It’s like the battery that keeps your cells running smoothly. NAD plays a pivotal role in energy production, DNA repair, and overall cell vitality. Through our IV NAD therapy, we deliver NAD directly to your system, optimizing your cellular health.

 B-Lean Drip



Designed to help burn fat and boost metabolism, the B-Lean IV hydration drip contains premium-quality compounds, harnessing the benefits of B vitamins to raise energy levels and support a healthy metabolism.

Inner Beauty Drip



Created with the intention of enhancing radiance and revealing a natural glow, Inner Beauty drip is formulated with high-quality compounds that are thought to strengthen hair, skin, and nails, reduce wrinkles, and hydrate the skin from within.

 Reboot and Hangover Drip



Restore your body and alleviate hangover-related issues such as dehydration, headaches, and nausea with our Reboot drip. Among our array of IV nutrition therapy options, this treatment is formulated with high-quality compounds specifically designed to replenish the essential fluids necessary for optimal well-being.

 Brainstrom Drip



By blending pyridoxine (B6), L-taurine, and alpha-lipoic acid, the Brainstorm IV drip has the potential to enhance general brain function, enhance memory recall, and improve specific aspects of the learning process.

Get up and Go Drip



Crafted to jumpstart your metabolism and invigorate your energy levels, the Get Up and Go Drip features high-quality compounds to facilitate fat burning, elevate metabolism, and supply essential nutrients for overall well-being.

Performance Drip


Crafted with the purpose of expediting recovery post-injury and potentially enhancing athletic performance, the Recovery and Performance Drip consists of top-tier compounds. These compounds are believed to contribute to enhanced performance and overall well-being.

Hear From Our Clients

Benjamin L

Got the immunity boost drip. Was comfortable and relaxed during the entire procedure. The nurse was skilled and knew exactly what she was doing, got me hooked up no problem.

Ashim A

First time doing IV drip. Very knowledgeable and friendly staff. Great experience. Definitely will return back to try other IV drips.

John V

Rupa is amazing! I’ll definitely be going back regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is wnere we answer all your questions, Check it out.

How soon can the effects of an IV hydration drip be felt?2024-02-19T18:27:25+00:00

The effects of an IV hydration drip can be felt almost immediately after the treatment. Many people report increased energy, improved hydration, and a sense of well-being shortly after the session.

Are IV hydration drips covered by insurance?2024-02-19T18:26:55+00:00

Insurance coverage for IV hydration drips may vary. In some cases, insurance plans may cover the cost if it is deemed medically necessary, while others may consider it an elective procedure and not provide coverage.

Can anyone receive an IV hydration drip?2024-02-19T18:26:24+00:00

While most healthy individuals can receive IV hydration drips, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if the treatment is appropriate for your specific health condition or concerns.

How often can someone receive an IV hydration drip?2024-02-19T18:25:51+00:00

The frequency of IV hydration drip sessions depends on individual needs and goals. Some people may opt for occasional treatments, while others may choose regular sessions based on their lifestyle or medical requirements.

Are IV hydration drips only available in medical settings?2024-02-19T18:24:55+00:00

IV hydration drips can be administered in medical settings such as hospitals, clinics, or infusion centers, but they are also increasingly available in wellness centers and mobile IV therapy services.

Is an IV hydration drip painful?2024-02-19T18:23:59+00:00

The needle insertion during an IV hydration drip may cause a brief pinch or sting, but the procedure is generally not painful. The sensation typically subsides quickly.

Are there any potential side effects of IV hydration drips?2024-02-09T16:58:53+00:00

While IV hydration drips are generally safe, some possible side effects may include bruising or discomfort at the injection site, allergic reactions, infection (rare), or vein irritation.

How long does an IV hydration drip session usually take?2024-02-09T16:58:24+00:00

The duration of an IV hydration drip session can vary depending on the specific treatment, but typically, it takes around 30 minutes to an hour.

Why would someone need an IV hydration drip?2024-02-09T16:57:55+00:00

IV hydration drips can be beneficial for various reasons, including dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, exhaustion, hangovers, athletic performance enhancement, and general wellness.

What is an IV hydration drip?2024-02-09T16:57:24+00:00

An IV hydration drip is a procedure that involves delivering fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line.

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